Business Continuity & Backup
Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery
Until recently, most businesses that fell in to the SME category have been excluded from having a really reliable and robust Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery solution as the major restricting factor had been the cost.
Additional broadband connectivity, redundant routers / firewalls, expensive always-on telecom links to remote sites and other related cost factors had resulted in most small & medium businesses being priced out of this market.
Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery is your insurance that your IT assets are protected if disaster should strike. Just like good insurance, the best business recovery solution should provide good protection, with limited hassle, at a reasonable cost.
With the recent emergence of enterprise computing solutions migrating down to SME class price categories, the advent of stable cloud computing models, reliable robust options such as online backup, and replication technologies etc., all have hugely changed the BC/DR options available to businesses. Nowadays there are solutions to meet most businesses needs and requirements, and everyone can benefit from a solution that is ultimately aimed at business continuity. Our consultants will work with you to deliver a solution that will meet with and exceed your business requirements.
BMS technology can provide the best range of recovery solutions giving you confidence whilst reducing the cost of recovery should disaster strike your business by simplifying your recovery plans.
Data Backup
A comprehensive backup solution is necessary to recover your important documents should disaster strike your Business or IT Infrastructure.
Most businesses from time to time can be guilty of the view that backing up our data as one of those jobs which we can put off until tomorrow or the day after. Mainly because it is too difficult or time consuming or we just don't have the resources to deal with it.
Power surges, floods, fires, user errors or unexpected equipment failures are many of the ways businesses can unintentionally lose information on their IT infrastructure. The resultant data loss can have serious implications on businesses with lost time, lost customers and lost revenue.
At BMS technology we provide data backup solutions to meet the needs and requirements of your business and ensure your information is protected and backed up in the event of an emergency so that your business can effectively meet core requirements for data recovery. Don't get caught out, contact us and get your backup solution covered.